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  • ...favourite place to visit. Even in the winter, I would take long walks on the beach alone or with friends. That’s why, in the summer, my family would rent a house by the beach and I would go out every day swimming and having fun.Unfortunately, last summer, a terrible accident occurred that made me...


  • ...Hedi Nouira Street Ez-zahra, Tunisia   7th December, 2011 Dear Mike,  I am very glad and excited that you are coming to Tunisia. It is a great country that's why I believe you are going to enjoy yourself here. I am writing you this letter to tell you about your holiday plan. First , on Monday ,...


  • ...home from school, I saw a homeless person in the street next to our house. He looked so miserable that I felt sorry for him and pitied him.  That’s why I decided to stand by his side and I suggested to my family to help him. I told my parents that he was lonely, cold and hungry. He seemed sad...


  • ...or two parties in the same country" as it is defined in the Oxford Dictionary .It is usually waged that's to say carried on to obtain a nation's freedom or indepence. Better than that its motive could be self-defence. However, nothing justifies the victims it results in or the human losses. Indeed,...


  • ...are probably one of my pupils. You are invited to read write and comment the articles posted here. That's why you are more than welcome to participate with your own writings or ideas. This blog is yours and surely this means it should be edited by you. You will also discover some games,...