• Poor =( ... !

    There are some people who really can't afford food, Clothes or Shelter. They really have  no alternative than begging ... Living on the kindness of comparatively rich people. These are POOR people who have no purchasing power. They have no clothes even in the winter. They sleep under the sky beneath the trees. They are homeless, too. They also have many desires like others, they have many dreams like you. But the only difference with you is that their desires remain desires ... Dreams remain dreams ... Never get fulfilled. And one day perhaps by a cold winter night having been without clothes, having been without food - they will pass away silently from this world.  Hello, does not your heart cry for them ? Don't you like to help them as much as you can ? 


    Pieces of Advice


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  • Comments

    Miss Hayet Miss Hayet profile
    Friday 20th May 2011 at 21:33

    Great work, just the kind I expected from you.

    Amall Thèmri Amall Thèmri profile
    Saturday 21st May 2011 at 14:44

    Thank you  I'll post more articles 

    Tej tizaoui
    Sunday 22nd May 2011 at 17:28
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